Engage with LGBTQ+ customers (and their allies) and have them take notice of your brand to achieve your business results.

Understand the economics of inclusivity, influence and loyalty. Our deep understanding of this diverse, sought-after audience will push your goals further, connecting you to a fiercely devoted customer segment.

GreenRubino’s LGBTQ Expertise

GreenRubino is one of the first integrated marketing agencies in the country with a dedicated LGBTQ practice. We know this community because we are a part of this community. Our LGBTQ team offers an innate cultural understanding of this distinct marketing segment. Our diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences as members of the community inform our practice and strengthen our insight.

The skillset and knowledge of the team spans work with businesses of all sizes and across all of GreenRubino’s practices including Advertising, Brand, Media, Public Relations, Web. We have forged the essential strategic relationships, both locally and nationally, necessary to help you authentically and proudly connect with the LGBTQ consumer.

LGBT Focused

LGBTQ+ consumers are more likely than members of other groups to seek out brands that represent and include them and remain loyal to brands that are loyal to them.

Inclusive Marketing

72% of LGBTQ+ consumers say they tend to purchase from companies that market to and support the LGBTQ community. 80% of LGBTQ+ consumers say companies that support LGBTQ equality will get more of their business this coming year.

Growing Revenues

By conservative estimates, LGBTQ+ individuals make up approximately 4.5% of the US population, but account for 8%—approximately $1 trillion—of the country’s disposable income.